Chill's Frozen Yoghurt

Make your own froyo on this delicious Website Design for Chill’s Frozen Yoghurt.

Make your own froyo

A healthy frozen yogurt with fresh toppings sounds pretty good right? Well, most froyo store websites don’t make it seem so appetizing. So I took on the challenge to design a website for a fictional frozen yoghurt chain, making it fresh, appetizing, and worthwhile.

The best part of ordering a pizza online (apart from eating the pizza) is the pizza maker. It's fun to drag toppings and sauces onto a virtual pizza and watch the preview change. So Chill’s website features a froyo creator. A meaningful interaction that engages visitors.

© Mike van Putten

  • Skills Web Design, Web Development, Graphic Design
  • Code HTML 5, CSS3

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Creating works that people will actually use is great. Not only do people touch and navigate through my designs, It’s also a fun goal to make it easy and worthwhile to do those things. And that is why I think my websites are great: fast, easy to use, to the point and fun!

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